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JBL: Job-Based Learning
Job-Based Learning is usually taken to mean learning the job specific skills and knowledge by doing the job. The learning happens in real time and may be indistinguishable from the performance of the work to which it is intended to contribute.
JBL Synonyms:
- Work-Based Learning: It refers to learning that results from work experience that is planned to contribute to the intellectual and career development of students. The work experience is supplemented with instruction and activities that apply, reinforce, refine, or extend the learning that occurs during work so that students develop attitudes, knowledge, skills, and habits that might not develop from work experience alone.
- Vocational Education: It is education that prepares people to work in a trade, in a craft, as a technician, or in support roles in professions such as engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, architecture, or law.
- Technical Education: The academic and vocational preparation of students for jobs involving applied science and modern technology.
- Career Education: It is a term applied to schools, institutions, and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. Career education helps a person develop the knowledge and skills they need to choose and pursue a career path.
CAREERS Acronym:
- C is for Careers: Think about what interests you. Be imaginative, then narrow down the list;
- A is for Academics: Determine which academic programs best suit your career goals;
- R is for Research: Research careers that spark your interests, maximize your strengths, and minimize your weaknesses;
- EE is for Experiential Education: Practice job search skills. Participate in internships, service learning, cooperative education programs, or other work-based learning opportunities;
- RS is for Relevant Skills: Use on-the-job experiences to learn practical, real-world skills. Apply what you've learned in school to the workplace. Test which accommodations work best for you.
JBL Benefits:
- For Students: Application of classroom learning (both academic and technical) in real-world setting; Establishment of a clear connection between school and work; Assessment of their interests, aptitudes, and abilities while learning about the career possibilities available to them; Improvement of their post-graduation employment opportunities; Development and practice of positive work-related habits and attitudes including the ability to think critically, solve problems, work in teams, and resolve issues; Assessment and understanding of the expectations of the workplace; Establishment of professional contacts for future employment; Expansion and refinement of their technical skills; Participation in authentic, job-related tasks; Observation of the demeanor and procedures of workplace professionals; Increased motivation/appreciation for staying in school; Awareness of postsecondary education opportunities.
- For Schools: Expanding the curriculum and learning facilities; Exposing students to state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and techniques; Meeting the needs of diverse student populations; Individualizing instruction for students; Promoting and fostering faculty interaction with the business community; Enhancing faculty/staff development efforts; Making education more relevant and valuable to students; Increasing student retention rates in schools; Reducing overcrowding by utilizing off-campus learning sites; Providing an alternative to building additional classrooms and laboratories to accommodate growth.
- For Employers: A pool of skilled and motivated potential future employees; Improved employee retention; Reduced training/recruitment costs; Developmental opportunities for a current workforce; Development of new projects with student assistance; Involvement in the curriculum development process; An opportunity to provide community service.
- For Community: Creating an environment of collaboration and cooperation among the school, the employers, and the community; Encouraging respect, tolerance, and understanding among different groups; Contributing to building a more productive local economy; Fostering confidence in the school system as practical and beneficial results are observed.
JBL Myths:
- I'm too old (or too young): There are at least a dozen different types of work-based learning, with choices for adults as well as youth (generally aged 16 and older).
- I won't get paid: Some opportunities are unpaid or volunteer, but all apprenticeships and certain internships come with a salary.
- I'm a student and I'm already too busy: Students can often earn course credit for work-based learning, so you may be able to do two things at once.
- I'd have to commit to something long-term: Some work-based learning opportunities are formal and last for years, but just as many are informal and last only a few hours.
- I'm already working so what's the point? Think outside the box about work-based learning. Even if you're already working in your dream job, you may still benefit from experiences like a mentorship or a practicum.
JBL Types:
- Cooperative Work Experience: Is for high school or college students; Is a formal arrangement between your school and an employer; Allows you to do paid work while attending high school or college; Is usually supervised by a school representative to make sure that it matches your educational goals; Might require a class or seminar to supplement what you're learning on the job.
- Internship: Is for high school or college students who want a real-world experience to supplement classroom learning; Is a short-term work experience that allows you to gain practical skills and learn about an occupation; Can be either paid or unpaid; Sometimes provides school credit.
- Practicum: Is for students from 10th grade through any level of higher education; Allows you to complete a project related to your chosen career at a worksite; Lets you use state-of-the-art technology and resources that are often too expensive for schools to buy; Allows you to demonstrate your knowledge.
- Teacher Externship: Is for teachers to see examples of how school learning is applied in real life situations; Helps teachers create lesson plans and activities; Is common during the summer; Is sometimes paid (through a teacher stipend).
- Vocational Student Organizations: Are for adult and college students enrolled in vocational education programs; Provide career and leadership development, motivation, and recognition; Are an integral part of education and employment transitions programs.
- Worksite Field Trips: Is usually for elementary or middle school students; Is a chance to learn about work processes and the skill requirements of different jobs; Is a short-term experience that lets you explore many occupations at one time and ask questions; Is for an individual student or an entire class; Is usually more valuable for both students and employers when it involves a small group.
JBL Resources:
- Edmodo:
- Work Based Learning Toolkit:
- Video:
- 10 Hot Education Career Trends for Teachers:
- 40 Great Websites to Learn:
- 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New:

JBL: Job-Based Learning
Job-Based Learning is usually taken to mean learning the job specific skills and knowledge by doing the job. The learning happens in real time and may be indistinguishable from the performance of the work to which it is intended to contribute.
JBL Synonyms:
- Work-Based Learning: It refers to learning that results from work experience that is planned to contribute to the intellectual and career development of students. The work experience is supplemented with instruction and activities that apply, reinforce, refine, or extend the learning that occurs during work so that students develop attitudes, knowledge, skills, and habits that might not develop from work experience alone.
- Vocational Education: It is education that prepares people to work in a trade, in a craft, as a technician, or in support roles in professions such as engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, architecture, or law.
- Technical Education: The academic and vocational preparation of students for jobs involving applied science and modern technology.
- Career Education: It is a term applied to schools, institutions, and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. Career education helps a person develop the knowledge and skills they need to choose and pursue a career path.
CAREERS Acronym:
- C is for Careers: Think about what interests you. Be imaginative, then narrow down the list;
- A is for Academics: Determine which academic programs best suit your career goals;
- R is for Research: Research careers that spark your interests, maximize your strengths, and minimize your weaknesses;
- EE is for Experiential Education: Practice job search skills. Participate in internships, service learning, cooperative education programs, or other work-based learning opportunities;
- RS is for Relevant Skills: Use on-the-job experiences to learn practical, real-world skills. Apply what you've learned in school to the workplace. Test which accommodations work best for you.
JBL Benefits:
- For Students: Application of classroom learning (both academic and technical) in real-world setting; Establishment of a clear connection between school and work; Assessment of their interests, aptitudes, and abilities while learning about the career possibilities available to them; Improvement of their post-graduation employment opportunities; Development and practice of positive work-related habits and attitudes including the ability to think critically, solve problems, work in teams, and resolve issues; Assessment and understanding of the expectations of the workplace; Establishment of professional contacts for future employment; Expansion and refinement of their technical skills; Participation in authentic, job-related tasks; Observation of the demeanor and procedures of workplace professionals; Increased motivation/appreciation for staying in school; Awareness of postsecondary education opportunities.
- For Schools: Expanding the curriculum and learning facilities; Exposing students to state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and techniques; Meeting the needs of diverse student populations; Individualizing instruction for students; Promoting and fostering faculty interaction with the business community; Enhancing faculty/staff development efforts; Making education more relevant and valuable to students; Increasing student retention rates in schools; Reducing overcrowding by utilizing off-campus learning sites; Providing an alternative to building additional classrooms and laboratories to accommodate growth.
- For Employers: A pool of skilled and motivated potential future employees; Improved employee retention; Reduced training/recruitment costs; Developmental opportunities for a current workforce; Development of new projects with student assistance; Involvement in the curriculum development process; An opportunity to provide community service.
- For Community: Creating an environment of collaboration and cooperation among the school, the employers, and the community; Encouraging respect, tolerance, and understanding among different groups; Contributing to building a more productive local economy; Fostering confidence in the school system as practical and beneficial results are observed.
JBL Myths:
- I'm too old (or too young): There are at least a dozen different types of work-based learning, with choices for adults as well as youth (generally aged 16 and older).
- I won't get paid: Some opportunities are unpaid or volunteer, but all apprenticeships and certain internships come with a salary.
- I'm a student and I'm already too busy: Students can often earn course credit for work-based learning, so you may be able to do two things at once.
- I'd have to commit to something long-term: Some work-based learning opportunities are formal and last for years, but just as many are informal and last only a few hours.
- I'm already working so what's the point? Think outside the box about work-based learning. Even if you're already working in your dream job, you may still benefit from experiences like a mentorship or a practicum.
JBL Types:
- Cooperative Work Experience: Is for high school or college students; Is a formal arrangement between your school and an employer; Allows you to do paid work while attending high school or college; Is usually supervised by a school representative to make sure that it matches your educational goals; Might require a class or seminar to supplement what you're learning on the job.
- Internship: Is for high school or college students who want a real-world experience to supplement classroom learning; Is a short-term work experience that allows you to gain practical skills and learn about an occupation; Can be either paid or unpaid; Sometimes provides school credit.
- Practicum: Is for students from 10th grade through any level of higher education; Allows you to complete a project related to your chosen career at a worksite; Lets you use state-of-the-art technology and resources that are often too expensive for schools to buy; Allows you to demonstrate your knowledge.
- Teacher Externship: Is for teachers to see examples of how school learning is applied in real life situations; Helps teachers create lesson plans and activities; Is common during the summer; Is sometimes paid (through a teacher stipend).
- Vocational Student Organizations: Are for adult and college students enrolled in vocational education programs; Provide career and leadership development, motivation, and recognition; Are an integral part of education and employment transitions programs.
- Worksite Field Trips: Is usually for elementary or middle school students; Is a chance to learn about work processes and the skill requirements of different jobs; Is a short-term experience that lets you explore many occupations at one time and ask questions; Is for an individual student or an entire class; Is usually more valuable for both students and employers when it involves a small group.
JBL Resources:
- Edmodo:
- Work Based Learning Toolkit:
- Video:
- 10 Hot Education Career Trends for Teachers:
- 40 Great Websites to Learn:
- 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New:
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