Wednesday, 9 March 2016


1.      Content Review
2.      Teacher Delivery
3.      Infrastructural Development. 
4.      Parental Engagement
It is evident that children nowadays are establishing patterns of behavior that is affecting their overall performance at school. These children are engaging in risky behavior.
Now more than ever, the schools must work in tandem with the parents by establishing a stronger and enduring partnership by enhancing protective factors in the lives of children which will help them avoid getting into risky behavior which will be detrimental to their educational progress, personal, social and mental health. These protective factors must be inclusive of engaging parents in as many school activities as possible and must prompt better student behavior, higher academic achievements and improved social skills.
No matter how innovative our schools or how effective our teachers are, schools cannot succeed unless our students take responsibility for their own education. That means showing up for classes on time, paying attention in class and staying out of trouble.
The bottom line is that no policies will make any difference unless we also hold ourselves more accountable as parents. Because school, no matter how wise or efficient, cannot turn off the TV or put away the video games. Teachers, no matter how dedicated or effective they may be, cannot make sure children leave for school on time and do their homework when they get back at night. These are things only a parent can do. These are things our parents must do.
·     Parents must take ownership of children’s education and ensure they get all the attention they need to excel in their academic endeavor.
·     Parents are responsible to not only take an interest in child’s education, but also assist in extending their education. No curriculum, no matter how thorough it claims to be, can cover every topic to its depth.
·       Parents must do what is necessary to get children what they need. If a child needs tutoring or additional help, parents must explore ways to get it.
·    Parents are responsible to make sure that their kids are at school on time and ready for business of learning.
·        Parents must be good students themselves. They need to read every piece of paper that the school and child’s teacher sends home. There is valuable information in there, and it is parental homework. Parents must model good homework skills to their child, by doing their own.
·        Parents must be available to answer questions and to look over their homework with them. Parents must know what their child has learnt each day.
Parental Engagement will prepare and empower our young people to reach their full potential as productive members of our society; it will give them the tools they need to distinguish themselves in the competitive global economy; and it will create the next generation of responsible citizens to continue the progress we have already made.

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