Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Teach Empathy Skills: Interactive Graphic Novel from RedRover

Teach Empathy Skills: Interactive Graphic Novel from RedRover https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/teach-empathy-skills-interactive-graphic-novel-from-redrover--393661/Teach empathy skills with this interactive iPad and Android app from RedRover. The team at RedRover has launched a new app for mobile devices geared towards elementary school students. The Restricted Adventures of Raja is a graphic novel app that gives students the chance to interact with the story and learn empathy skills. In this story students help animal and people who are in trouble all around the world.

RefME Plus Released: Cite as you write in MS Word

This citation tool now lets you write the bibliography a report, research paper, you name it – without leaving Microsoft Word. As you write, RefME Plus also lets users add quotes using your smartphone camera. If you’ve used the RefME citation tool before you know that is a helpful resource for managing references in a text, a bibliography, and in-text citations. You can collect research and keep track of citations with the help of RefME.
RefME Plus Released: Cite as you write in MS Word
https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/refme-plus-released-cite-as-you-write-in-ms-word--393659/RefME Plus Released: Cite as you write in MS Word https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/refme-plus-released-cite-as-you-write-in-ms-word--393659/

Seterra Geography Map Quiz Game for iOS & Web

Seterra Geography Map Quiz Game for iOS & Web
https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/seterra-geography-map-quiz-game-for-ios-web--393657/Seterra Geography Map Quiz Game for iOS & Web https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/seterra-geography-map-quiz-game-for-ios-web--393657/
Looking to for a map quiz to learn geography? Seterra Geography is an iOS app and online platform for students. This map quiz app is easy to use and has a wide range of maps. There are a handful of different quiz categories so students can practice identifying continents and the locations of different countries. Kids can compete with their friends as they match flags to country names and learn the capitals of each state.

10 Creation Tools for Web Browsers & Chromebooks

10 Creation Tools for Web Browsers & Chromebooks
https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/10-creation-tools-for-web-browsers-chromebooks--393655/10 Creation Tools for Web Browsers & Chromebooks https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/10-creation-tools-for-web-browsers-chromebooks--393655/
Students need to have opportunities to apply what they’ve learned and connect it to the real world. Providing students with ways to demonstrate their understanding and create content is even easier with technology tools. Students who have access to a computer with a web browser – including Chromebooks – will be able to create with the tools on this list.

QR Codes Can Do That? 5 #ScannableTech Tips

QR Codes Can Do That? 5 #ScannableTech Tips
This list of five things that you may not know about QR codes contains some simple ideas that definitely pack a punch. These tips include strategies for differentiating instruction, distributing materials, and keeping families up to date on classroom activities.

Integrating Creativity in the Classroom Using Questions

Integrating Creativity in the Classroom Using Questions https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/integrating-creativity-in-the-classroom-using-questions--393729/
Learning Objectives:
1. Plan effective questions using scaffolding techniques
2. Develop questioning skills
3. Increase understanding of an enhanced cross-curricular approach

13 Tips and Tricks for Virtual Field Trips with Google Hangouts

13 Tips and Tricks for Virtual Field Trips with Google Hangouts https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/13-tips-and-tricks-for-virtual-field-trips-with-google-hangouts--393651/
Virtual field trips are great options when your destination is logistically or financially challenging. With a Google Hangout you can beam into different locations or bring a guest visitor to speak to your class. Students can go on a tour of a new place when someone hosts a GHO using their mobile device or interview experts to learn more about a topic – the possibilities are endless!

Skill Based Resources

Skill Based Resources https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/skill-based-resources--393711/
A collection of Skill Based Resources posted on Edmodo Spotlight.

Monday, 30 May 2016

8 Mistakes Teachers Make at the End of the Year

Using Choice Boards to Differentiate in the Classroom

Using Choice Boards to Differentiate in the Classroom https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/using-choice-boards-to-differentiate-in-the-classroom--393601/
A choice board is just what it sounds like: A board of choices. The choices might be questions to answer or activities to complete related to a short story read in English Language Arts, a concept in mathematics, a unit in science, or a time period in history. The possibilities are endless.

Tips for an Awesome End of the Year

Tips for an Awesome End of the Year https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/tips-for-an-awesome-end-of-the-year--393599/
FOUR tried- and-true ideas to make your end of the school year teacher life easier. Go easy on yourself and do what you can, but here are helpful tips…

10 Effective Classroom Management Tips Any Teacher Can Use

10 Effective Classroom Management Tips Any Teacher Can Use https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/10-effective-classroom-management-tips-any-teacher-can-use--393467/
When it comes to sharing classroom management tips, there are lots of different ways of thinking. Most educators believe things should be done a certain way, and many of these ways are vastly different. Many of these methods have also enjoyed years of success. If it works, it works.

Learning Outside School: 7 Ways Students Can Make It Happen

Learning Outside School: 7 Ways Students Can Make It Happen https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/learning-outside-school-7-ways-students-can-make-it-happen--393463/
Kids are learning all the time. The real question is how they can continue learning outside school and be engaged in what you intended. How do you control what they learn outside school? The simple answer is, you can’t. That said, the beauty of learning is that not everything about it has to be school-related.
They can simply acknowledge that learning outside school continues subconsciously. It’s in the things that they love to do naturally. Then they can go out and play (play to learn, that is).

Smart Strategies for Using Video in the Classroom

Smart Strategies for Using Video in the Classroom https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/smart-strategies-for-using-video-in-the-classroom--393461/
Video, as it applies to classrooms, is essentially the capture of any significant moment in time to be reproduced for the benefit of others. That’s what makes it such a great tool to enhance classroom learning in lots of subjects. What simpler way to expand the time you have in class than to use relevant and meaningful pre-recorded From curating and enhancing them for interactivity to making your own that can be accessed anywhere at anytime?
It’s worth mentioning that video, like any other media, is meant to be used in a supplemental way.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

15 Terrific and Timeless New Teacher Tips

15 Terrific and Timeless New Teacher Tips https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/15-terrific-and-timeless-new-teacher-tips--393459/
If you’re a budding new teacher, you’re about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfilling life-shaping. You will no doubt have a profound impact on people’s lives, and they in turn will affect you in ways you cannot predict. This happens throughout our lives, but as a teacher your influence is magnified many times over. 
So let’s pretend we’re your virtual mentor, taking you aside for a pep talk the day before you head into the fray. We’re reflecting back on our own first days of teaching, and remembering what we would have done differently.
Distraction Age Living and Learning: Keeping Kids Engaged https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/distraction-age-living-and-learning-keeping-kids-engaged--393457/
The Distraction Age is characterized by a phrase that we never imagined we’d be saying when we were young: Kids these days! Looks like irony will eventually find us no matter what.

Friday, 27 May 2016

The Essential Elements of Modern Innovative Teaching

The Essential Elements of Modern Innovative Teaching https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/the-essential-elements-of-modern-innovative-teaching--393455/
Let’s consider the term modern innovative teaching. Sounds intellectual, doesn’t it? Gone are the days of teaching “from the hip.” Today’s children are, in many ways, the same children as a decade ago; it’s just the climate that’s changed. Now our students need strategic, well-thought-out solutions that respect the culture in which they live. That’s what is meant by modern innovative teaching.

20 Free Educational Tools: Videos, Guides, and Printables!

20 Free Educational Tools: Videos, Guides, and Printables! https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/20-free-educational-tools-videos-guides-and-printables--393453/
Free educational tools—what could be better? Anytime, anywhere, teachers like to have plenty of resources to pick from to help them create great classroom experiences to engage their students. We’ve got some wonderful content-packed free educational tools for teachers to explore. They’re online and ready to be discovered!

7 Life Literacy Skills Students Should Have Before Leaving School

7 Life Literacy Skills Students Should Have Before Leaving School https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/7-life-literacy-skills-students-should-have-before-leaving-school--393447/
Students are leaving school before you know it. One minute they’re handing in assignments, and the next you’re handing out diplomas. If you’re a teacher or a parent (or both), you know that’s no exaggeration. Leaving school is a big deal for students. It’s both an ending and a beginning. Being prepared in every way is the key to success. It takes what we call “life literacy skills” to put them in the best place for achieving their goals.

20 Amazing Commercials that will Inspire the Greatness in You

20 Amazing Commercials that will Inspire the Greatness in You https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/20-amazing-commercials-that-will-inspire-the-greatness-in-you--393401/
Occasionally there’s a commercial that’s different. Instead of trying to play up on insecurities or pitch a product irresponsibly, it spreads a positive message to the world. Perhaps it’s to remind us about the importance of kinship. Perhaps it’s to break a negative societal belief. Perhaps it’s to make us laugh and not take life too seriously.

8 Helpful Ways to Deal with Critical People

8 Helpful Ways to Deal with Critical People https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/8-helpful-ways-to-deal-with-critical-people--393367/
Critical people can be real downers, just like energy vampires. No matter what you say, they always find some way to derail the mood of the conversation. You can’t ever remember when was the last time they gave a compliment or encouragement. They have an uncanny ability to scrutinize and zoom into every little problem there is. Following which, they fixate on these issues and offer unwanted opinions on them. If that’s not enough, they top it off with their projection of all the possible bad things that can happen.

Listening Skills on Edmodo Spotlight

A collection of listening skills posted on Edmodo Spotlight.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Flipped Classroom Resources

Flipped Classroom Resources https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/flipped-classroom-resources--393355/
A collection of resources posted on Edmodo Spotlight related to Flipped Classroom.

6 Exciting AR Apps for Student Learning with #ScannableTech

6 Exciting AR Apps for Student Learning with #ScannableTech https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/6-exciting-ar-apps-for-student-learning-with-scannabletech--393195/
Augmented reality (AR) can serve a variety of purposes in your classroom. This exciting technology layers virtual content on top of the real world, providing an opportunity for students to interact with content in a completely new way.
It’s important to think of augmented reality as more than just a gimmick. Sure, it grabs students’ attention, but you want to make sure that it also sustains meaningful learning.
Here are 6 favorite AR apps!

Monday, 23 May 2016

Making Writing Ridiculously Exciting

Making Writing Ridiculously Exciting
Hundreds of schools across the country are experiencing the benefits of Pobble. From raising the profile of writing using a whole-school approach, to giving pupils a sense of self-esteem and purpose, Pobble works together with all types of schools to raise the attainment of their pupils. Together, it targets specific aims around literacy through one central philosophy. Making writing ridiculously exciting!

Double-Sided Interactive Reading Bookmark

This resource includes a double-sided bookmark for your students to use as they read any literature. Simply print and fold.
Sections on the bookmark: vocabulary, important details, discussion question creator or reflection questions, character development, text connections, and text reactions.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

6 Tips to Become an Effective Online Instructor

6 Tips to Become an Effective Online Instructor
Whether you’re a college professor preparing to teach your first online class, a company trainer looking to increase the effectiveness of your online training programs, or anyone who wants to blend digital —the fact remains that being an online instructor is a lot different than teaching in a face-to-face setting.

Job Hunting in the Digital Age [Infographic]

Job Hunting in the Digital Age [Infographic]
https://spotlight.edmodo.com/product/job-hunting-in-the-digital-age-infographic--392977/Job Hunting in the Digital Age [Infographic]
Job hunting today is not like it was before the dawn of the Internet. Things have changed dramatically. It’s called Job Hunting in the Digital Age.
If we’re students or adults who are job hunting in the Information Age, our footprint matters. It defines us, and can set us apart from other potential candidates. It can be a benefit if we manage it right.
He goes on to share an interesting statistic. 75% of businesses do online research on those who are job hunting with their organization. 70% of those have also rejected hopeful candidates based on their online profiles. You can see how important it is to keep our best foot forward both online and offline.

5 Tools to Help With Understanding Essential Questions

5 Tools to Help With Understanding Essential Questions
The act of truly understanding essential questions is something we have explored for centuries. Teachers, philosophers, warriors, poets, musicians and the like have always asked the big questions. It has brought them to knowledge, self-fulfillment, and joyful discovery. How do we continue this tradition in our schools?

Friday, 20 May 2016

A Better Roadmap to Global Digital Citizenship Practices

A Better Roadmap to Global Digital Citizenship Practices
There’s lots to think about when it comes to ensuring guidelines for safety and proper etiquette for our digital students in their tech-oriented lives. What’s the best way to guide students towards global digital citizenship practices? 

How to Bring Reading Instruction Into the 21st Century

How to Bring Reading Instruction Into the 21st Century
There are many benefits to bringing reading instruction into the 21st century. Technology—websites, digital tools and apps—can be used to motivate, empower and engage every student.
Taking that first step, however, can be daunting. You may be wondering: What digital tools should be used? How can I/we be sure students aren’t distracted? Do I/we go all in or focus on a blended approach?

Reflective Learning: What It Is And Why It Matters

Reflective Learning: What It Is And Why It Matters
Reflective Learning: What It Is And Why It Matters
Reflective learning is something that takes time. It demands thought and effort. Unfortunately, we know that our days can become riddled with busy work and mindless tasks. We don’t get a chance to internalize experience and skills acquired and put our puzzle pieces together. In other words, we often don’t get to reflect.